Monday, July 15, 2019

Skin scarring on the skin is a sign of skin cancer, its type and methods of prevention

Skin Cancer is one of the most common types of cancers around the world, it can be like everyone else, but some people are more at risk of it. These risks increase for people whose hair and eyes are light. There is abnormal growth of skin cancer, unnatural skin cells or tissues. It usually develops in those organs of the body which are more in contact with sunlight, but it can also be due to regular sunlight. Figures show that compared to women in Indian men, skin cancer is about 70 percent more.

Types of Skin Cancer Types Of Skin Cancer

•  Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, with about 90 percent of people suffering from it every year. These are often more on the head or neck.
•  Squamous cell carcinoma This type of skin cancer develops in the outer parts of your skin, and it is more harmful than basal cell carcinoma. It can appear as red, scaly lesions on your skin.
•  Melanoma skin cancer is the lowest, but it is the most dangerous. In fact, it is only one percent of the people, but it causes the most deaths from skin cancer every year. Most skin cancer can be easily prevented by sun protection measures.

How to Prevent Skin Cancer

Avoid the sun during the day, avoiding the sun is the best solution, it helps you avoid the sunburn that damages the skin and promotes skin cancer.
Massaging oil on the body can also reduce the risk of skin cancer. For this, massage oil on the body with the oil in which SPF is used. You can use almond oil, coconut oil to massage. These oils protect our skin from the sun’s rising rays and reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Also Read:  Need MRI For Breast Cancer?
Apply sunscreen throughout the year, use sunscreen in winter or even when the sky is cloudy. All of these filter out harmful UV radiation, in particular which can cause melanoma. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF of 30 or higher. It provides protection from both UVA and UVB rays.
Always try to save yourself from pollution that is spreading in the environment. Pollution can not only cause external damage to your skin, but it can also cause skin cancer.
Always wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants and sunlight, use cap and sunglasses. Avoid tanning beds, tanning beds emit the UV rays and can increase the risk of your skin cancer.
Take the right amount of Vitamin D to protect against skin cancer. It also reduces the risk of skin cancer by strengthening the bones as well as avoiding harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Regularly checking your skin’s new skin growth or changes in existing moles, freelocks, bumps and birthmarks, if you see a change on your skin then meet the Board Certified Dermatologist.

from Dr. Linex

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