Monday, January 13, 2020

Top 10 Tallest Countries in the World

Genetics and diet make Europe a fertile ground for growing tall men and women.

The world’s tallest countries are the Netherlands (1.838 m), Montenegro (1.832 m), Denmark (1.826 m) Norway (1.824 m), Serbia (1.82 m), Germany (1.81 m), Croatia (1.805 m), and Czechia (1.8031 m).

The World Health Organization has determined the international standards for children’s growth to the age of 5 years old. This classification is based on the norms seen among children coming from economically advantaged backgrounds, which exhibit similar growth patterns when breastfed during infancy. A person’s height is measured from his or her feet to the top of his or her head. Measurement of such is done with a device called a stadiometer. There are some factors that relate to growth, as populations sharing the same environmental factors and genetic backgrounds often exhibit similar trends in stature. Although genes and the endocrine system may cause such contrasting extremes as dwarfism or gigantism, children may also suffer from delayed growth and marked reductions of height achieved during adulthood due to malnutrition and external factors, such as during wartime or economic situations like poverty. With that in mind, we look at the countries with the tallest average populaces in the world, all of which are to be found in Europe. These average heights are the mean for total analyzed populations, including both male and female participants.

10. Luxembourg – 1.799 meters / 5.9 feet

Luxembourg comes in at the tenth spot in the list, with its citizens’ average heights collectively being 1.799 meters (5.9 feet) across both genders. Genes could influence growth at each stage of height achieved in life. Obviously, nutrition and environment also are other factors that turn on the growth genes in childhood. Breastfeeding is also being promoted in the country as being beneficial to babies.

9. Slovenia – 1.803 meters / 5.92 feet

Slovenia makes the list in ninth spot. Its location, in the Dinaric Alp region, is known for producing people who are much taller than average. The gene pool may be partly to blame for this, although it can also be noted that Slovenians are known to eat diets that are full of meat and protein.

8. Czechia (1.8031 meters / 5.92 feet)

The residents of the Czech Republic, now commonly known as Czechia, are among the world’s tallest with an average height of 1.8031 meters (5.92 feet). It has been commented on how tall a room of Croatian ministers is when they all meet together! Income equality has also been another possible theory for the impressive stature of the Czechs.

7. Croatia (1.805 meters / 5.92 feet)

Croatia comes in at seventh place, with citizens exhibiting an average height of 1.805 meters (5.92 feet). Another entry from the Dinaric Alps, it would appear that the gene pool in the region definitely include some genes determining height. A number of tall athletic stars have been known to come from the country, particularly in the area of Damaltia.

6. Germany (1.81 meters / 5.93 feet)

Germany is at sixth place, with its citizens making the mark at an average height of 1.81 meters (5.93 feet) across both genders. The diet in Germany typically is known the world over, especially for their beer festivals and great sausage selections. There is a saying among Germans that follows that diet, “breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper.” That exemplifies the German diet, which is also rich in protein and high in sugar and fat. Potato and wheat are the main staples, usually accompanied with some sort of meat, and often dairy as well. Although alcohol and tobacco use in Germany are among some of the highest in Europe, these could not be said to be one of the contributing factors towards growth, though still these recreational indulgences have not proven sufficient enough to stunt German height across the board either.

5. Serbia (1.82 meters / 5.97 feet)

Serbia holds the fifth spot in the list, with its citizens exhibiting an average height of 1.82 meters (5.97 feet) across both genders. The combination of Slavic and Mediterranean gene pools are the source of these people’s great natural heights. The predominant brachycephaly Dinaric trait has been identified as one of these factors. Slavic athletics and exercise from the time of childhood may be other factors influencing the growth spurts. Serbian meals are always rich in dairy products and protein from meat, and dining patterns exemplify meals being partaken of later in the day.

4. Norway (1.824 meters / 5.98 feet)

Norway hits the list in the fourth spot, with its citizens’ average heights measuring 1.824 meters (5.98 feet). In the old days, the Vikings were some of the tallest people, and, today, Norwegians remain in that category. The Norwegian diet is full of protein and good calories that must maintain their superb growth from childhood years and on. The country is known for its quality of life and social mobility, as well as its human development assistance from the government. Much of this is supported by its oil reserve revenues.

3. Denmark (1.826 meters / 5.99 feet)

Denmark cites conducive genes and environmental factors for height by coming in at third place, with its citizens’ average heights at 1.826 meters (5.99 feet) across both genders. The Danes are known for their good looks among Danish and fairness among Dane maidens alike. They register as one of the wealthier nations in Europe, and their income is one of the highest per capita in the world as well. The Danish government takes care of its own with its excellent social services. Diet and genes, however, obviously have the final say in determining growth.

2. Montenegro (1.832 meters / 6.01 feet)

Montenegro comes in at the second spot on the list, with its citizens’ average heights being 1.832 meters (6.01 feet) across both genders. Montenegro is situated in the Dinaric Alps, which has great weather and clean mountain air. Children in Montenegro have good nutrition, and that partly explains the Montenegrin height advantage. Montenegro’s cuisine has Italian, Turkish, and Hungarian flavors, which prove to have more than enough nutritional value. The Montenegrin gene pool, of course, is the major factor that gives its people an edge over other countries in maintaining its population’s height increment.

1. Netherlands (1.838 meters / 6.03 feet)

The Netherlands comes in first for height with its citizens’ average heights at 1.838 meters (6.03 feet) across both genders. As determined by the World Health Organization, quality of life and a good diet consisting of dairy products and cold-water fish may have contributed to their tall stature. The predominance of this phenomenon is translated into the only country in the world that has an advocacy representing tall people. It’s interesting to note that all government buildings in the Netherlands have tall doorways.

What is the World’s Tallest Country?

The Netherlands is the tallest country in the world, where people have an average height of 6 feet.

The post Top 10 Tallest Countries in the World appeared first on Gradaxis.


from Dr. Linex

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