Thursday, January 30, 2020

vending machines & phone booth

Interesting facts about vending machines

Residents of our country, whose childhood was in the era of the Soviet Union, of course, remember well soda machines. By lowering three kopeks into the coin acceptor, you could get a glass of sparkling water with syrup, and for one kopek – without syrup. In the USSR, these were probably the most popular vending machines. And around the world there are a lot of them, and you can buy anything in them.

10 Interesting Facts About Vending Machines

Newspaper vending machines were installed at many Soviet railway stations. They were exclusively mechanical, without any electronics. The coin unlocked the mechanism for a while, it was only necessary to press the handle so that the spring device would throw out the newspaper.

In Moscow on Chekhov Street in the sixties of the last century even a whole Progress store was opened, in which there were no sellers, and all goods were sold through vending machines.

The very first vending machine in the history of man was designed by the Greek mechanic and mathematician Heron, who lived in the first century AD. This unit was designed to sell water in temples. The coin, falling into the receiver, hit the lever, the valve slightly shifted to the side, and a portion of water flowed into the dishes.

. Most vending machines per capita in Japan. There is one such machine for 20 people. In the USA – by 35 people, but in Europe everything is much more complicated, one mechanism for 120 people.

There are about 20 million smokers in Japan. Therefore, there are many cigarette vending machines in this country. But, they are equipped with special scanners that determine the age of the buyer. Only after that, the machine makes a “decision” – to sell cigarettes or refuse to buy.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, has a gold vending machine. You can buy in it as gold bars of different weights, and coins, also made of gold. Moreover, the prices in the machine are not constant, but regularly change, depending on the growth or fall of gold exchange prices.

There are live crab vending machines in the subway of the Chinese city of Nanjing. The cost of crab, depending on size, from 15 to 50 yuan. In the same machine, you can choose the sauce for the preparation of crab.

Now coffee machines are very popular all over the world. The first such device appeared in 1946. It was not distinguished by technical perfection, and the taste of the drink left much to be desired. But, the developers began to upgrade the machines, now they offer customers a huge assortment of coffee.

A tragic incident occurred several years in Germany. The robbers decided to break into a condom selling machine and take the proceeds out of it. For this purpose, the criminals used a makeshift bomb. During the explosion, a metal shard hit the head of one of the gang members. He died in the hospital.

By the way, unbiased statistics claim that vending machines, as a result of accidents, kill twice as many people as bloodthirsty sharks. In recent years, more and more “reverse action” machines have appeared. They do not sell, but buy goods: bottles, aluminum cans and other things, which are then sent for processing.

Interesting facts about the phone booth

Nowadays, mobile phones have become so familiar that it’s hard to imagine the time when the streets of all cities were decorated with numerous telephone booths.

In 1876, inventor Alexander Bell demonstrated how the telephone worked during the first Worldwide Electrical Exhibition in Philadelphia, and only a few years later the first telephone booths began to appear.

All English telephone booths were painted standard red. But, this was not always the case – the design of these booths in the early years of existence varied so much that it was difficult to find them. To get rid of this problem, in 1924 a competition was announced to create a single standard. The project was won by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, who proposed a single, red color for all telephone booths in the country.

Currently, telephone booths in England are gradually fading into the past, but you can still meet them on the streets. But Jordan in 2004 became the first state in the world where all telephone booths were dismantled – with the advent of modern communications, they simply stopped using street phones.

The original use of the telephone box was found in the English village of Drofton, where there were no shops left. Under the outlet adapted an old booth, long inactive. An order can be made in a neighboring town by phone, the goods are delivered to Drofton and left in the booth.

And the booth in the city of Lyon (France) was converted to an aquarium. Lighting is connected to an unusual aquarium, therefore, you can admire its inhabitants not only during the day, but also at night.

Petersburg, from which you can call poets, and those who have long passed away. Naturally, all these voices from a bygone era, they were recorded on tape during the life of the classics.

In the Soviet Union, talking from a telephone booth on a local line cost 2 kopecks. But, some craftsmen managed to call absolutely free. A hole was drilled in a coin and a thread was fastened. After the conversation ended, the “kopeck piece” could be pulled back out of the coin acceptor using a thread. Officially free were only emergency calls, for example, police or ambulance.


from Dr. Linex

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