Thursday, January 30, 2020

facts about IT technology


Interesting facts about IT technology

. In the Himalayas (southwestern China) there is a small panda (red panda). In English, it is called “Firefox”.

. The very first Apple logo depicted Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. An apple, ready to fall, hangs over it.

. In 2009, Google leased California Gozing … goats! What for? They are very effective in weed control on the lawn, which is broken around the headquarters of the “corporation of good”.

. Compact discs (CDs) are read from the inner circle to the outer one, and are written exactly the opposite.

. You cannot cancel a transaction via Bitcoin. On the other hand, nobody can force you to pay either.

. The world’s first tape recorder was created in 1956 and was comparable in size to a piano.

. The fingers of a typesetter “run” an average of 20 km per day.

. The world’s first alarm clock was able to ring only at 4 a.m.
. November 30 of each year marks World Computer Security Day.

. On April 1, 2005, NASA told the world that it had found water on the surface of Mars. Trolling was a success.

. A picture taken by the very first camera in the world would have to wait 8 hours.

. The creators of the PNG photo format wanted to be called ping.

. Skype is officially blocked in China.

. The Apple II computer received a 5 MB hard drive.

. In 1932, Augustus Dvorak, a professor at the University of Washington, created a keyboard of the same name. The Dvorak keyboard is more convenient than the traditional QWERTY – it doesn’t get tired of your hands and type faster. But she never became the standard. However, if desired, it can be included in any modern OS.


. The QWERTY keyboard was invented by Christopher Scholes in 1868.

. The first commercial computer with a graphical user interface and mouse was Apple Lisa (June 1983).
. The first computer (computer) was created by Charles Babbage in 1822.

. 1,024 gigabytes equals 1 terabyte, 1,024 gigabytes is 1 petabyte.

. 1 petabyte is capable of accommodating 13.3 years of HDTV video.

. According to statistics, 86% of people try to insert a USB cable “upside down”.

. The last game for the console Sega Mega Drive was released in 2010. It turned out to be so popular that it was sold out before the release.

. Since 2008, video games have been bought more often than DVDs.

. The average age of a gamer in the USA is 35 years.
. In 2010, the U.S. Air Force used 1,760 PlayStation 3 game consoles to create a supercomputer. The military said the PS3 is a more economical and environmentally friendly option.

. The first real-time online gaming console was Sega Dreamcast.

. Surgeons who grow up in video games make 37% fewer mistakes.

. Nintendo (the creator of Pokemon Go) was founded in 1889 and for decades only produced playing cards.

. Email appeared earlier than the Internet.

. In 2004, the @ symbol was added to Morse code. Prior to this, nothing had been added to it for several decades.

. The very first Internet domain (site name) was called and was registered on March 15, 1985.

. According to the Message Anti-Abuse Working Group, between 88 and 92% of all emails sent in the first half of 2010 are spam. Today, the presence of spam in online correspondence has grown to 97%.

. The first person in the world arrested for spamming was Anthony Greco, and this happened in 2005.

. The first Internet browser was called Netscape Navigator. It was released in 1994, and at the peak of popularity, up to 90% of Internet traffic of those years passed through it.

. All letter combinations from to are already registered.

. Every second, transactions amounting to $ 680 occur on the internet site.

. Spammers receive only one response for every 12 million emails sent.

. The domain was registered on February 14, 2005.

. Amazon sells more e-books than it has paper catalogs.

. Amazon’s first name is The founder of the service, Jeff Bezos, changed his name after he noticed that his lawyers often confused the words cadabra and cadaver (corpse).
. The very first Internet service provider in the world was CompuServe.

. The name of the once popular Internet service Yahoo is consonant with the characters in the book Gulliver’s Travels by writer Jonathan Swift. In it, “yehu” or “exhu” were the disgusting humanoids that inhabited the country of virtuous guigning horses.


from Dr. Linex

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