Thursday, January 24, 2019

Aphorism – Definition, Examples and Quotes of Aphorism


An Aphorism (from Greek ἀφορισμός: Aphorisms, “demarcation”, “discrimination”, and “definition”) is a brief, terse, laconic, and / or memorable expression of a common truth or principle. They are often handed over by tradition from generation to generation. The concept is different from a tribute,brocard, chiasmus, epigram, maxim (legal or philosophical), theory, proverbs, and stories; Some of these concepts are species of aphorism.
This term was first used in Hippocrates’s Aphorism, a long series of symptoms related to diseases and the diagnosis and treatment and the art of medicine. Often quoted in the first sentence of this work is:
“Life is short, long art, opportunity fleet, misleading experience, decision difficult”.
This Aphorismwas later applied or adapted to physical science and was then changed into a multi-faceted aphorism of philosophy, ethics and literature. An aphorism is currently considered a brief and obvious statement of truth.
Aphorisms is different from the principles. Morphology usually results from experience and custom, while the theories themselves are clear and therefore no additional evidence is required. Aphorism is used exclusively in subjects which were not originally applied to any duly or scientific treatment, such as agriculture, medicine, jurisprudence and politics.
A famous example is:
Power becomes corrupted, and absolute power is absolutely corrupted.


Sometimes the disgusting collection known as wisdom literature, India’s formula literature, preacher of the Bible, Islamic verses of Pythagoras, the works of God of Pythagoras and the days of the Hesiod, Delphic maxims have a prominent place in the principles of many ancient societies . , And Epictetus’ Handbook. Hateful collections also make an important part of the work of some modern writers. 155 oil-on-oak-panel painting, native policy (also called The Blue Cloak or The Topsy Turvy World) by  Pieter Bruegel the Elder artfully lands the land with literal presentations of the Flemish Affirmation of the Day Reflects.  Read More

from Dr. Linex

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