Thursday, January 24, 2019

Alfalfa Used For Hair fall And Hair Growth

It is boon for the hair falling, it will grow up to the old age, the hair and the strong
»   Alfalfa is also called Rijka.
»  It also contains calcium, potassium, carotene, iron and zinc.
»  Many of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients present in it make it more productive.

Alfalfa is also called Rijka. Alfalfa is the Arabic word meaning ‘father of plants’. The alfalfa roots are about twenty to thirty feet below the ground. Here they get mineral salts, which are not usually present on the surface of the earth. Alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It also gives strength to your bones and also helps in their development. Apart from this, it plays an important role in maintaining healthy body. It contains proteins and vitamins A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin. Apart from this, it also contains calcium, potassium, carotene, iron and zinc. It can be consumed in the form of seeds, leaves or pellets.
Why is Alfalfa Consuming Beneficial
Alfalfa is used to treat many health conditions. It is considered to be the highest source of mineral. Many of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients present in it make it more productive. It is used to treat many problems like kidney problems, arthritis, urinary problems, cholesterol level, stroke. Let’s learn about its benefits.
These Diseases Do Away
•  Minerals are required to form and strengthen bones. It is found in abundance in the required mineral Alfalfa. Therefore it is considered very beneficial for the treatment of arthritis. Tea made from Alfalfa (especially from its seeds) gives beneficial results in the treatment of arthritis. Read More

from Dr. Linex

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